Strategic Planning Facilitation
SWOT Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Strategic Goal-Setting
Objective Setting
Action Plan Development
Organizational Effectiveness Surveys
Studies for Groups, Departments, or Organizations
Focus Group Facilitation
Design and Implementation of Customized Attitude Surveys
Culture Change and Alignment
Analysis of Current Organizational Culture
Cultural Audits
Organizational Cultural Alignment
Organizational Cultural Change Programs
Global Cultural Audits
Global Cultural Alignment Programs
Cultural Sensitivity Programs
Change Management
Identification of Change Desired
Development of Process to Drive Change throughout the Organization
Training Programs for Managers and Employees to Embrace Change
Customer Service Workshops
Customer Service Management
Respect in the Work Environment
Understanding the Four Vital Steps in Service Excellence
Effective Telephone Techniques
Effective Communication Techniques
Effective Complaint Handling
Dealing with Angry People
Assertiveness for Effectiveness
Lighten Your Load Program
The focus of this program is to reduce hassles, minimize wasted effort, and eliminate turf battles.
Identify Unnecessary "Hassle" Work and Practices
Partner Departments to Reduce Unnecessary "Hassle" Practices
Build Team Cooperation Based on Successful Interaction
Reduce Costs, Stress, and Unnecessary Work
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