Organizational Effectiveness Modules
TQM Development Workshops (3)
Team Building Workshops (3)
Managing Change
Service Excellence/Customer Service Overview
Service Excellence/Customer Service Workshops
Train the Trainer Workshops
Sexual Harassment Awareness
Absenteeism Control
Cultural Diversity in the Work Place
Managerial Effectiveness Modules
The Role of A Manager/Supervisor
Motivating Yourself and Others
People, Their Values, and How to Manage Them
How to Become an Effective Leader
Problem-Solving for Managers
Interpersonal Effectiveness Modules
Power: Using It Effectively
Increasing Your Influencing Skills
Conflict Management
Negotiation Skills (5)
Women Don't Ask
Personal Effectiveness Modules
Time Management
Stress Management
Technical Effectiveness Modules
Coaching and Counseling Techniques
Performance Appraisal Techniques
Performance Interviewing
Interviewing Skills
Behavioral Interviewing
Effective Communication Skills Modules
Communications, Interpersonal
Communications, Organizational
Listening for Effectiveness
Running Effective Meetings
Making Effective Presentations
Employee Relations Modules
Managing Problem Employees
Disciplinary Techniques
Documentation of Employee Discipline
Managing the Unsatisfactory Performer
Discipline Workshop
Grievance Handling
Labor Relations Modules
Supervising in a Union Environment
A Walk Through Your Labor Contract
Grievance Handling and AvoidingArbitration
What Supervisors Can and Can'tDo During a Union Organizing Drive
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